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Example E.1. Lying Postures of Man and Chimpanzee

Fig. 1. Joni asleep
Fig. 2. Roody (age 3 m. 21 d.) lying down

Example E.2. The Chimpanzee's Sitting Postures

Fig. 1—4. Chimpanzee sitting on flat ground
Fig. 5. Chimpanzee sitting on knees

Example E.3. The Chimpanzee's Typical Standing Postures

Fig. 1—4. Typical standing posture; supported by arms

Example E.4. The Chimpanzee's Unusual Standing Postures

Fig. 1—4. Unusual way of standing, unsupported by arms

Example E.5. The Chimpanzee Walking and Running

Fig. 1—2. Slow locomotion
Fig. 3—4. Running (profile view)
Fig. 5—6. Running (en face view)

Example E.6. The Chimpanzee's Climbing

Fig. 1. Catching hold of tree
Fig. 2—3. Climbing up tree

Example E.7. The Eight Typical Facial Expression of the Chimpanzee

Fig. 1. The mimics of excitement
Fig. 2. The mimics of attention
Fig. 3. The mimics of astonishment
Fig. 4. The mimics of disgust

Fig. 5. The mimics of anger
Fig. 6. The mimics of fear
Fig. 7. The mimics of sadness (crying)
Fig. 8. The mimics of joy (laughter)

Example E.8. Combined or Ambiguous Facial Expressions of the Chimpanzee

Fig. 1. The mimics of fear and anger
Fig. 2. The mimics of curious attention and fear
Fig. 3. The mimics of intense attention

Fig. 4. The mimics of boisterous laughter
Fig. 5. The mimics of crying with anger
Fig. 6. The mimics of astonishment and strife

Example E.9. The Six Consecutive Stages of General Excitement of the Chimpanzee

Fig. 1. Slight bristling, straining of muscles and protrusion of lips
Fig. 2. Strong bristling, protrusion of lips lifting hand
Fig. 3. Partly rising to vertical posture.

Fig. 4. Bending of body, previous to making it erect
Fig. 5. Making body erect and stretching out arms.
Fig. 6. Maximum stretching of body, lifting up arms

Example E.10. The Mimics of Excitement of the Chimpanzee (six consecutive stages)

Fig. 1. Protruding of lips
Fig. 2. Humping of lips

Fig. 3—4. Trumpeting of lips
Fig. 5—6. Trumpet-like unfolding of lips