21 — 30

Example E.21. Ways of Drinking of the Chimpanzee

Fig. 1. Drinking from cup (final stage)
Fig. 2. Drinking from cup (initial stage)
Fig. 3. Drinking from saucer with help of man

Fig. 4. Drinking from saucer unhelped
Fig. 5—6. Drinking from saucer animal-like

Example E.22. Expression of fear of the Chimpanzee

Fig. 1—3. The Chimpanzee frightened and excited (hair bristling) during a walk
Fig. 2. Meeting the intimidating stimulus
Fig. 4. General excitation (slightly frightened)

Example E.23. Postures of Self-defence and Attack (Expression of Anger of the Chimpanzee)

Fig. 1-2. Protecting his face
Fig. 3. Aggressive gestures with clenched fist
Fig. 4. Self-defence with foot. Attack with hand

Fig. 5. Torturing his victim
Fig. 6. Pinching his victim

Example E.24. Aggressive Reaction of the Chimpanzee Jony to a Stuffed Chimpanzee

Fig. 1. Standing up erect
Fig. 2. Banging with right foot and showing teeth
Fig. 3. Throwing upper lip back — ready to attack

Example E.25. Reaction of The Chimpanzee to a Dead Hair

Fig. 1. First moment; frightened; squatting
Fig. 2. Standing up erect, waving clenched finger joints
Fig. 3. Lifting up fist; pressed lips slightly curved sidewise

Fig. 4. Threatening postures; ready to jump from feet to hands and vice versa
Fig. 5. Waving right hand, shaking lower jaw
Fig. 6. Attack of the offending stimulus

Example E.26. Expression of Tender Feelings — Caresses and Sympathy of the Chimpanzee

Fig. 1. Carefully touching face of weeping human
Fig. 2. Putting hand on head, protrusion of tightly closed lips

Fig. 3. Ready to touch the face of the weeping human with his lips
Fig. 4. Ready to touch the face of the weeping human with his tongue

Example E.27. The Emotional Solidarity of Ape and Man (Catching-up the emotions of his human friend)

Fig. 1. Expression of sympathy; putting hands on head of weeping human, whimpering
Fig. 2. General excitation on seeing a human cry

Fig. 3. General excitation on seeing a human cry
Fig. 4. Invitation extended to weeping human to play

Example E.28. The Emotional Solidarity of Ape and Man (Catching up-the emotions of his human friend)

Fig. 1. Induced sorrow
Fig. 2. Induced angry excitation

Fig. 3. The Chimpanzee's joy
Fig. 4. Anxiety, excitation mingled with sadness

Example E.29. The Chimpanzee's Specific Kinds of Play

Fig. 1. Moving a crumb ot bread in mouth
Fig. 2. Passing head through a rubber ring
Fig. 3. Setting a "mouth-extender" between teeth

Example E.30. The Chimpanzee Playing with Elastic Objects (with tape and thread)

Fig. 1—2. Winding and unwinding a thread
Fig. 3—4. Climbing through an improvized loop