101 — 110

Example E.101. Child's Imitatory Games

Fig. 1. First attempts at using watering can — unsuccessful (Roody 1 y. 5 m.)
Fig. 2. Roody's (1 y. 10 m.) first, but vain attempts at making use of spade
Fig. 3. First attempts at using schylhe (Roody 4 years)

Fig. 4. Effective use of watering can (Roody 2 y. I m.)
Fig. 5. Effective use of spade (Roody 1 y. 10 m.)

Example E.102. Child's Imitatory Games

Fig. 1. Listening in to watch (Roody 1 y. 2 m.)
Fig. 2. Pretending to find the time of the day (Roody 3 y. 4 m.)
Fig. 3. Imitating conversation by self-made telephone (Roody 3 y. 4 m.)

Fig. 4. Mimicking a talk over the telephone
Fig. 5. Imitating a telephone conversation (Roody 2½ y.)

Example E.103. Roody's Imitatory Actions (Immediately following performance of action by adult)

Fig. 1. Shaking straw (Roody 2 y. 2 m.)
Fig. 2. Tacking in nails (Roody 2 y. 2 m.)
Fig. 3. Cleaning snow (Roody 2 y. 6 m.)

Fig. 4. Carrying hay (Roody 4 years)
Fig. 5. Hauling snow (Roody 2 y. 6 m.)
Fig. 6. Shovelling sand (Roody 3 years)

Example E.104. Roody's Imitatory Actions

Fig. 1. Draws on blackboard with piece of chalk (Roody 2 y. 11 m.)
Fig. 2. Pasting on an advertisement: Who will get me back my lost cat? (Roody 3 y. 3 m.)
Fig. 3. Sewing (Roody 3 y. 4 m.)

Fig. 4. Reading (Roody 2 y. 7 m.)
Fig. 5. Stamping (Roody 3 years)
Fig. 6. Typing (Roody 3 y. 4 m.)

Example E.105. The Child Imitating a Photographer

Fig. 1. Ready to take a snap-shot (Roody 2 y. 2 m.)
Fig. 2. Photograph ready (Roody 2 y. 2 m.)
Fig. 3. Ready to take snap-shot (Rood 3 y. 6 m.)

Fig. 4. Photographing—focusing objective (Roody 4 y. 1 m.)
Fig. 5. Photographing—snapshotting (Roody 2 y. 1 m.)
Fig. 6. Photographing — setting the camera (Roody 4 years)

Example E.106. The Child Imitating Various Trades and Professions

Fig. 1. Road-building; paves a path (Roody 4 y. 7 m.)
Fig. 2. Posing as fireman (Roody 4 y. 4 m.)
Fig. 3. Posing as newspaper-vendor (Roody 3 y. 10 m.)

Fig. 4. Posing as second hand-dealer (Roody—3 y. 10 m.)
Fig. 5. Posing as shepherd, playing the horn (Roody 4 y. 1 m.)
Fig. 6. Posingas doctor; examining patient-teddy-bear (Roody 2y. 9 m.)

Example E.107. Child's Imitative Play with Water

Fig. 1. Navigating ships in a puddle (R. 4 y.)
Fig. 2. Pushes raft
Fig. 3. Fishing in puddle

Fig. 4. A real fisherman
Fig. 5. Shipbuilding (Roody 3 y. 10 m.)

Example E.108. Imitatory Games of the Child

Fig. 1. Imitating house painters (Roody 2 y. 3 m.)
Fig. 2. Imitates greasers with help of brush (Roody 3 y. 11 m.)

Fig. 3. Smoking (Roody 1 y. 5 m.)
Fig. 4. Pretending to smoke. Lighting cigarette (Roody 2 y. 3 m.)

Example E.109. Use of Pencil with Man and Ape

Fig. 1. Roody's (1 y. 4 m.) first attempts at using pencil
Figs. 2—3. Joni draws lines with pencil

Fig. 4. Roody (1 y. 9 m.) draws
Fig. 5. Roody's (7 years) regular pencilwork

Example E.110. The Human Child Using Tools

Fig. 1. Sewing (Roody 2 y. 1 m.)
Fig. 2. Cutling with scissors (Roody 4 years)
Fig. 3. Sawing (Roody 4 years)

Fig. 4. Hay-lifting with fork (Roody 4 years)
Fig. 5. Raking (Roody 3 years)
Fig. 6. Turning hay (Roody 4 years)